N3C Domain Team: Diabetes & Obesity



The Diabetes and Obesity Clinical Domain Team aims to address questions regarding who among people with diabetes and/or obesity are likely to experience poor outcomes in the setting of COVID-19. Though hundreds of papers have been written on this topic, most involve small sample size, single centers, international data resources or other characteristics that leave unanswered questions. Three protocols have been drafted to examine: (1) Effect of glycemic control on COVID-19 outcomes, (2) COVID-19 outcomes as a function of metformin use, and (3) Comparative effectiveness research on COVID-19 outcomes as a function of antihyperglycemic medication use at baseline. The overall goal is to evaluate baseline factors for effects on COVID-19 outcomes in diabetes.

Team meeting on the 4th Thursday of the month at 9:00am ET. Please email n3c-tt-diabetes@googlegroups.com to be added to the calendar invite.

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For Questions or Comments: Please access the N3C Support Desk and click on "Request Domain Team Support".


Carolyn Bramante, MD, MPH
University of Minnesota
John Buse, MD
University of North Carolina