N3C Public Health Data Browser

The N3C public health browser provides interactive views of N3C Research Program participant data. These dashboards offer policymakers access to high-value health data and investigators access to a snapshot of the clinical status of COVID as well as a signal for further investigation within the N3C open science Enclave.

The data shown in the N3C public health browser comes from the N3C Data Enclave, the largest collection of real-world COVID-19 data in the USA. Data in the Enclave comes from   health care institutions, from 49/50 states in the USA, and consists of   rows of clinical information. The Enclave also has an additional library of over 30 external data sets varying in scope from mortality to pollution that can be linked to its real-world clinical data. A full list of available external data sets can be found here.

In order to protect participant privacy, the data are de-identified and limited to aggregate counts and summary demographic information, with cell counts <20 not being displayed. For more information, please visit our FAQ page.

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